Mini course by Alexey Sobolev
Speed turns
Minutes video
This mini-course aims to build the rider`s confidence while switching from the skidded to the carved turns at speed. Watch the full high-quality video tutorials, practice and improve your snowboarding technique with the access to the videos for 30 days.
In this lesson, you will get a hang of the proper carving technique to use at speed.
Carving basics
How to choose the proper
slope for carving
By the end of this lesson, you will catch the difference between slopes and how to choose the proper piste for carving.
Let`s learn how to control and cut speed while performing the carving turns.
How to stop or slow down.
Speed control
Basic carving.
Tilting technique №1
This lesson will help you understand the technique of tilting into the turn without falling.
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
see more tutorials in the main courses
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